Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing (CO2)

Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems; is a fire extinguishing system used in environments without people. Carbon dioxide gas quickly reduces the oxygen concentration available in the medium and as a result of this, decreases the temperate in the related area by the shock effect created by the carbon dioxide gas emptied. Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems having a very effective extinguishing power; are fire extinguishing systems suitable for environments not containing people because of harming human health.
In this system; a variety of measures must also be taken for the system not to be activated beyond control in circumstances such as repair, maintenance, immediate intervention. Nozzles and cylinders in this system; are either made up of the materials produced domestically, or used after being imported from abroad.
However, the valves used in the system in both 2 situations, are supposed to have international approvals.
The features of carbon dioxide extinguishing systems, which are extremely effective fire extinguishing systems and preferred in environments without people, are as follows:
- It has a highly effective and fast extinguishing technique.
- It doesn’t damage the ozone layer.
- It can be preferred in local applications.
- It is never be used in the areas including manpower.
- It is often used for the fires spread over a deep and wide area.
- It is not electrically conductive.
- It may form a dust cloud around upon discharge of the system after activation.
- It’s a very cost-effective in respect of re-filling the system.
- The system is discharged in maximum 1 minute.
Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems which are extremely effective extinguishing systems and have the aforementioned features; are preferred particularly in computer rooms, transformers, medical or industrial laboratories, in brief the environments contain sensitive electronic devices. Of course, these environments must be free of people. The wastes which come out after the fire and need cleaning after the fire in fire extinguishing systems such as water, chemical powder and foam; are included in this system. Therefore, it also attracts attention as a pretty clean fire extinguishing system as much as effective. Its cost-effectiveness and capable of refilling the system discharged in maximum 60 seconds without involving high cost are again among the factors making this system special. However, this system is required to be installed and used after taking stringent security measures compared to other systems. Even it is in small quantities; the inhalation of carbon dioxide gas leads to life-threatening dangers. Therefore, the necessary studies must be performed carefully and appropriate security measures for the system must be taken.
When it is thought that carbon dioxide extinguishing systems are required to be used in environments without people; the most suitable usage areas are as follows.- Transformer rooms,
- Power transmission chambers,
- Cable galleries,
- Engine rooms,
- Paint cabins,
- Inflammable liquid storage areas,
- Electric control panel rooms,
- Industrial laboratories,
- Computer rooms,
- Environments containing sensitive devices.